Another GREAT day in Montepelier, Idaho….

Update From Baden and Osage:

“On The Trail”

August 10,

…When i awoke to a beautiful sunny morning here; looking out over the landscape of the valley, in the distance watching the sun rising in the East, as its bright glow spreads across the western mountain range, brightening up the fields as it moves into the empty sky and casting its glow upon all that is around.

I can hear the birds singing their melancholy sounds as I watch the day begin…

The day before was a harrowing day, as I had to watch Osage dance across a barbed-wire fence; she had been put into a pen area with a couple of the most beautiful Llamas I’ve ever seen, well she had never been that close to Llama’s before, so she didnt know what kind of animal it was, so, she being a bit frightened decided she wasn’t going to have any part of that….and proceeded to try and run through a fence line, after treating her wounds, which weren’t really too bad, I put her into another area, and had a dear friend contact a friend and they came down and brought me some medicine to treat her wounds with.

Well this morning I go outside to check on her; and there she is, nose to nose with the Llama; now there was a sight to behold, so apparently they had made friends and were just getting to know each other,no fear, no running away, and even sharing the same water trough.

I went to the local church, were I had met many more wonderful people, and everyone asking about my travels and tales, of which I was more than happy to tell.

Later in the day, I was taken to a wonderful family reunion, where the kids are excellent, and we played card games, and socialized with great, caring people.

There was B-B-Q ribs served, and corn and green beans, and everyone had a great time. Pictures were taken of the family’s, and there were 3 generations, in a 1940’s Ford coupe ..I think.

The area in which this foray was held, is so beautiful, it sits in a valley surrounded by some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in Idaho I’ve yet seen. In the distance you could see the many trees that line the valleys and hill tops, like a green carpet of beauty, and the homes surrounded by them were small yet very quaint cabins. Not big ones, but big enough and the distance to ones neighbor was more than an acre.


©Copyright 2009 ~Baden Whitehead~ All Rights Reserved

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